How others can inspire us

I wonder what can be the proportion of the qualities that are inborn and inspired from others in me, difficult to calculate though. Point to make here is throughout our day to day life we knowingly or unknowingly imbibe the qualities that inspire us most. No human being is SARVAGUNA SAMPANNA.

Many a times we come across problems for which we do not have solutions. We try to solve such problems by consulting the experts or experienced persons. Analyzing their advice one can understand the lacunae in oneself. Thus we end up adding a quality if we religiously inculcate the method for solving problem.

One of my friend has a unique resolution for New Year, he always adds some new quality, modifies the existing one, get away with unwanted human quality. As said by him, he fails most of the time the odds of changing the quality for him is 4 out of 10, but still a substantial percentage for me or person like me who never plans for such bizarre New Year resolution.

A geek wants to propose a girl that he likes but refrains himself from doing so due to lack of confidence or quality? He needs a quality to impress, persuade or to be rhetoric enough to attract the girl. Girls generally lie by saying “I am married or engaged” if they do not like the boy, in case of few boys they would not say No flatly if a girl proposes or suddenly ends up their existing relationship if they are not happy with it, but they will try to analyze and wait for better option than they currently have. I remember one friend was in serious relation with girl for couple of years, but found a better looking girl than she had. During the period of infatuation he was totally engrossed in the new lady; somehow he managed to check if she is interested in him. Ironically he was told that she is married which was a hoax and then he swiftly switched back to original affair. The quality in this case the boy possessed may be of getting involved in multiple affairs.  So for one who wants to learn such art can learn from these people provided they understand the good and bad effects of possessing the so called art.


We all know the higher the risk higher will be the returns, a wise person will take a calculated risk to increase the returns on investments; on similar lines I knew one person who does calculated mistakes in his work so as to learn something out of it. Initially he had a modest approach to learn from his reporting manager, but his manager knew if this person is taught everything my friend’s value will increase. So he stopped giving him tips for improving the work.  My friend started making calculated mistakes deliberately as a result his manager started correcting his mistake; he was shrewd enough to follow his manager’s approach to tackle the problems merely by observing him working. He had a quality to continuously improve his method of working by observing others’ approach.

I remember during my school days; my school friend an average student then, but always wanted to perform better than him. He never understood the complexity of algebra, geometry, chemistry maybe I can add complete school syllabus. To cope up with the scholars of my class, he started observing them without any motive; the way they talk, study, or present themselves in front of class. He filtered those qualities which will benefit him in studies. I remember he use to take text book in his hands but could not understand the purpose for reading and so kept on staring blankly at the book. The lacuna in him he told me one day was how and why to read it. He started thinking what his friends (scholars) would do in such situation? Having observed them number of times he imitated their actions their behavior or their character and the result was surprising it helped in scoring good marks. After then he never looked back and excelled in every exam and later on he went on to become a good consultant in a top IT firm.

Bottom line is we can modify our behavior the way we want it, we can shape our lives, we can achieve our set goals and live a better life than we currently have. All above examples had one thing in common desire to change which is the only constant in universe.









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